We are former employees helping employers increase profit, impact, and performance by developing highly engaged, motivated teams.

While having a conversation with our professional mentor and friend, a business owner and former Director of Human Resources for a Fortune 500 company, we shared a dream.

We wanted employers to know what employees really needed to excel professionally and we wanted to deliver the solution economically and strategically. We wanted to bring something new and innovative in the workplace to change the epidemic of minimally engaged employees.

Her response after listening was life changing! “I agree completely! And evidence-based research shows that’s exactly what’s needed. I care about my team and I care about their dreams. It has been my experience that those who dream are more fulfilled employees. And fulfilled employees have been more productive personally and professionally. When employees are not dreaming and not fulfilled when they leave the workplace, they undermine themselves and the company!”

We were amazed to hear her confirm what our coworkers and colleagues in our professional social media circle were saying.


“Employers get more from me when they care about me, not just the work I’m doing!”

US & International Employees